
Digital Glarus
The Swiss IT Valley | Schwanden, 8762 GL Switzerland | From 2015.10.13

LoraWAN in Digital Glarus May 31, 2016, 12:50 p.m.

Ever thought the trash can tell you when it is getting full? Or that your plant tells you when it needs water? 
Or that your oven should tell you, when you leave the house and it is still turned on? Or a lamp that has a broken bulp orders a replacement on its own? Or where your cows and sheep are on the Alp?

This and many more things can be enabled by The Internet of Things (IoT). It requires us to have things to be connected and you can imagine this is not the easiest thing to do. What 

There is a brand new technology named "LoraWAN" that might allow us to build a wireless network covering the whole canton of Glarus with a few so called "gateways".

Friends from thethingsnetwork in Zurich and Wintherthur have some devices to lend so we can test it in Glarus.

If you are curious on how it works, how to connect very simple things together, join us for a test drive of future technology!

On May 14th we started from the Digital Chalet in Schwanden - see below for some impressions!



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